Photography: Reineke Otten
Author:: Charlie Koolhaas
Design: 75B
Paperback: 200 pages
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 8.1 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds
Architecture, street life, pets, laundry lines, fishmongers, commuters, electronics, bikes, ads--this mass of hundreds upon hundreds of images of the people, places and things of the world's fastest-growing economy offers a culture through its surfaces, through the texture of daily life, organized typologically. Otten compares her work to a catalogue: "My book is just as temporary as an Ikea guide. It's about the time now; within a few years it will be outdated. In one month there can be three new owners in a shop. Complete areas are raised and cut down again." This is a mass of images about what things look like in fast-changing China, categorized by subjects like Shopping, Street Food, Hands and Feet, Prostitution, Gated Community and Hong Kong Jungle. It shows what stores look like, what teenagers wear, what you buy in the market, what kind of buildings there are. These are raw images of real life in China.
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Author: Neville Mars
Author: Adrian Hornsby
Photography: Reineke Otten and many others.
Hardcover: 784 pages
Publisher: 010
Design: Neville Mars, Thomas Lommee
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9064506523
ISBN-13: 978-9064506529
Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 8 x 2.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 5 pounds
The Chinese Dream maps out how urban China will probably be like in 2020 and investigates what alternative scenarios are feasible. Ignoring eye-catching architectural projects, and focusing instead on the new forms of urban reality that China is fast producing through countless anonymous development projects, this publication asks itself what sort of landscapes and society will result from this flash-urbanization. Through diagrams, facts, essays and interviews the Dynamic City Foundation (DCF) has sketched a range of alternative routes that provide a for a conceptual leapfrog in urbanization.
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Author: Annette Nijs
Photography: Reineke Otten
Paperback: 271 pages
Publisher: Thoeris Amsterdam
Language: Dutch
Product dimensions: 171x19x230 mm
Ahipping weight: 756 gr
Print: 1
ISBN 10 9072219473
ISBN 13 9789072219473
China met andere ogen behandelt de ontwikkelingen van China in de afgelopen dertig jaar en blikt – waar relevant – terug op de eeuwenoude Chinese cultuur. Ook de toekomst komt aan bod. Daaruit ontstaat een beeld van China als rolmodel voor een innoverende overheid, zakelijk succes en persoonlijk geluk in de 21ste eeuw.
Westerse bedrijven krijgen te maken met de Chinese manier van zakendoen, nog steeds beïnvloed door Confucius, het Taoïsme en traditionele krijgsheertactieken. De Chinese levenskunst, die de nadruk legt op geluk en voorspoed, biedt goede aanknopingspunten voor het goede leven: genieten van eenvoud en het leven nemen zoals het komt.
Het boek geeft verrassende inzichten in het hedendaagse China en laat zien hoe politici, managers en individuen daar inspiratie uit kunnen putten.
Verschillende experts komen aan het woord zoals professor Laurens Jan Brinkhorst en Bernard Hammelburg. Het boek is rijk geïllustreerd met meer dan 500 foto's.
To order contact Thoeris Publishers